

代表 永田 猛

Closing address by Representative

August 6, 2005

We thank all of you for attending the 13th annual World Peace Prayer Ceremony here today in HIroshima.

As a child, I grew up listening over and over again to stories of the atomic bomb which was told to be by my father, grandmother and other acquaintances who were Hibakushas (survivors). And in time, I became aware of 2 things. Firstly, it was that I never once heard any resentments toward the U.S. because it was the Americans that had dropped the atomic bomb. Secondly, what I heard most of all was the sentiment that we should never allow such a thing to happen again.

In other words, there was no blame or resentment among those who experienced the atomic bomb. What those who experienced the atomic bomb really want to say is that each and every member of humanity is connected in the Oneness of Life and Humanity.

The words, May Peace Prevail on Earth, is a prayer and message which most clearly gives expression to the cries coming from the souls of the Hibakushas. The Peace Prayer Ceremony is another concrete expression of this wish for peace.

The flag ceremony today have been presented by many of our friends from around the world who love peace. This energy field of Love is growing stronger and stronger each year.

Through my experiences in organizing this annual peace ceremony, I am filled with a strong sense of hope and confidence that humanity will abolish nuclear weapons in the 21st century and create true peace on earth emanating with Love and Harmony.

Dear friends, let us join our hearts as One and advance toward the creation of peace on earth in the 21st century.

Mr. Nagata
( Mr. Nagata’s father was a Hibakusha)
