
 このため、広島市は、「核兵器の使用・威嚇は、一般的に国際法に反する」とした国際司法裁判所の勧告的意見から10周年を迎えた昨年から、世界の1600を超える都市が加盟する平和市長会議と共に、核軍縮に向けた「誠実な交渉義務」を果たすよう求めるキャンペーン(Good Faith Challenge)を「2020ビジョン」の第二期の出発点として位置付け展開しています。さらに核保有国に対して都市を核攻撃の目標にしないよう求める「都市を攻撃目標にするな(Cities Are Not Targets)プロジェクト」に、取り組んでいます。

広島市長 秋葉 忠利

A message from the Mayor of Hiroshima

August 6, 2007

I am grateful for this opportunity to send a message to the 15th Hiroshima WPPC Flag Ceremony.

With the world’s first atomic bombing as your starting point, Hiroshima continuously appeals for the abolition of nuclear weapons and the realization of lasting world peace.Nonetheless, around the world cycles of hatred, violence, and revenge remain intact. Massive nuclear weapons remain stockpiled amid mounting danger that they will be used.

Since 2006, the 10th anniversary of the year the International Court of Justice handed down the advisory opinion that, “The use or threat of nuclear weapons would generally be contrary to the rules of international law,” Hiroshima City has worked with the Majors for Peace and its more than 1,600 city members to launch the Good Faith Challenge, the second stage of the 2020 Vision campaign to demand “good faith negotiations” towards nuclear disarmament. We are also pursuing the “Cities Are Not Targets” project which is demanding assurances from nuclear weapon states that they will not target cities for nuclear attack.

Each person alive on the Eath plays a part in determining the future of humanity. This is why 15th Hiroshima WPPC Flag Ceremonty is truly significant, and I commend all of you for your efforts. I hope from my heart that you will continue to work with us to bring about the abolition of nuclear weapons and achievement ot lasting world peace.

I close with wishes for the success of the 15th Hiroshima WPPC Flag Ceremony and the good health of all involved.

Tadatoshi Akiba
The City of Hiroshima
